Heart-Profit ERP

Heart-Profit Boards => Heart-Profit Releasenotes => Topic started by: Heart Informatisering B.V. on February 04, 2014, 02:37:48 pm

Title: Last used VAT code becomes defaultvalue for next line
Post by: Heart Informatisering B.V. on February 04, 2014, 02:37:48 pm
In Releasenote http://ha1.heartprofit.nl/profit/index.php?topic=25777.0 the Invoice Check was adjusted for Italian Registers A1-A5.

Part of this adjustment was, that in case of Register A1 each line that has to be booked needs a specific VAT code. This for cases where VAT was being calculated, but also in case no VAT was being calculated, in which case the VAT code represents the reason why no VAT was being calculated (f.e. Intra Community Delivery).

Since most of the lines (but not allways) of the same invoice refer to the same VAT code, the VAT code used for a specific line now automatically becomes the defaultvalue for the next line.

Meaning, once we have booked a line with VAT code "P1", the next line will start with VAT code "P1". This just as "a defaultvalue", because this value can still be changed if needed.

LORITV      Toevoegen Faktuurregel    28-01-2014    04-02-2014